Saturday, August 17, 2019

Flow on

... going on with the flow, and the flow feels strong. After previous post (which was just some days ago) I have three more new chiptune bases completed. One got done yesterday, while two newbies were born tonight. And more is to come, certainly. To sum the vibes ... it feels good!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

3rd times anticharm

So, it seems that I have started something that will turn out ot be the third Chipfusion release at some point. I've been crafting some other music stuff too, but recently I got very creative with chiptune crafting - and as a result I have 2 song bases at hand.

Hard to say yet, will it be different from past releases - probably not very different, but it will be quite rhytmic experiment, so it seems at this point. Things can always change though, when it's about going with the flow & intuition, and that's how I work when it's about crafting music.

I already have a vision how I'll develop the chiptunes, there will be at least 2 or 3 different working stages, out of which the 1st stage will be 100 % flow / intuition based thing. Second stage might be bit more planned, but still flow sets the rules so to speak. Third stage is the least flow based stage, if the third stage happens. Might not be needed.

Not just that, but I also already know the album title. It will be at the same time logical continuation but with a language twist. I also have idea for the cover artwork as well as word play with the song titles. We'll see if it goes according to vision at this stage, or not.

I can't say for sure when this third release will be ready, but I have a feeling it might well happen during this year 2019. Chiptune inspiration is intensive when it comes. :)

Music video!

Just released a music video for 'Three thirds eleven' tune. Feel free to chip it out. :)